Source code for src.playlist_updater

import logging

from . import scraping
from .spotify import SpotifyApi
from .db import Session, Song
from .exceptions import NoHistoryFound

[docs]class Updater(object): def __init__(self): self.spotify = SpotifyApi() self.is_authenticated = False # Add new scrapers here self.scrapers = [ scraping.KSHEScraper(), # scraping.EagleScraper(), # TODO: Eagle website not reachable in the EU # scraping.Q1043Scrapper(), # scraping.WMGKScrapper(), # scraping.KLOScrapper() ]
[docs] def spotify_auth(self): """Authenticates using Authorization Code Flow. Returns: str: URL to redirect to """ url = self.spotify._authorization_code_flow_authentication() return url
[docs] def spotify_callback(self, authorization_code): """Function called by Spotify with access token in the request parameters. Args: authorization_code (str): Authorization code """ response = self.spotify._client_credentials_authentication( authorization_code ) self.spotify._access_token = response['access_token'] self.spotify._token_type = response['token_type'] self.spotify._token_expires_in = response['expires_in'] if response.get('access_token'): # TODO: add authenticated until timestamp self.is_authenticated = True
[docs] def sync_db_with_existing_songs(self, playlist_id): """If the playlist already exist, look for songs in it and stores them in the local database so we don't add duplicates. Args: playlist_id (str): Playlist ID """ playlist_exists = self.spotify.check_playlist_exists(playlist_id) if playlist_exists: tracks = self.spotify.get_track_uris_from_playlist(playlist_id) session = Session() for uri in tracks: song = Song(playlist_id=playlist_id, spotify_uri=uri) session.add(song) try: session.commit() except: continue session.close() session = Session() count = session.query(Song).count()"Playlist has {0} songs after sync".format(count)) session.close()
[docs] def search_songs_in_spotify(self, radio_history): """Retrieve songs informations from title and artist using Spotify Search API. Args: radio_history (list(dict)): list of dict with title and \ artist as keys Returns: list(dict): list of dict of spotify songs """ spotify_songs = [self.spotify.search_track(s['title'], s['artist']) for s in radio_history if 'title' in s] spotify_songs = [s for s in spotify_songs if 'spotify_uri' in s] return spotify_songs
[docs] def filter_and_save_songs_to_db(self, spotify_songs, scraper_name, playlist_id): """Filter out songs that have already been added and add the remaining songs to the playlist. Args: spotify_songs (list(dict)): List of spotify songs as dict scraper_name (str): Scraper class name Returns: list(dict): List of spotify songs that are not in the playlist yet """ # save tracks in DB session = Session() spotify_filtered_songs = [] for i, song in enumerate(spotify_songs): # Don't save and upload song if it exists match = session.query(Song)\ .filter_by( spotify_uri=song['spotify_uri'], playlist_id=playlist_id )\ .first() if match is None: song["scraper_name"] = scraper_name song["playlist_id"] = playlist_id session.add(Song(**song)) spotify_filtered_songs.append(song) else: logging.warning('{0} already in playlist' .format(song['song_name'])) session.commit() return spotify_filtered_songs
[docs] def add_songs_to_playlist(self, spotify_songs, playlist_id): """Add spotify songs to a playlist, using songs URI. Args: spotify_songs (list(dict)): List of spotify songs Returns: json: Json response from the Spotify API """'will add {0} tracks'.format(len(spotify_songs))) response = self.spotify.add_tracks_to_playlist( [s['spotify_uri'] for s in spotify_songs], playlist_id ) return response
[docs] def single_scraper_pipeline(self, scraper): # get song history try: song_history = scraper.get_song_history() except NoHistoryFound: return {} # spotify songs spotify_songs = self.search_songs_in_spotify(song_history) # filter out already present songs and sync database spotify_filtered_songs = self.filter_and_save_songs_to_db( spotify_songs,, playlist_id=scraper.playlist_id ) # upload the filtered out songs to the spotify playlist _ = self.add_songs_to_playlist( spotify_filtered_songs, playlist_id=scraper.playlist_id ) return { "scraper":, "playlist_id": scraper.playlist_id, "songs": spotify_filtered_songs }
[docs] def scrap_and_update(self): """Run the whole pipeline for every scraper: - Scrap the concerned website and get their song history - Search for the songs in Spotify - Filter the songs already in playlist and save them to DB - Add the filtered songs to the playlist Returns: list(dict): Inserted songs """ inserted_songs = [self.single_scraper_pipeline(scraper) for scraper in self.scrapers] n_inserted_songs = sum([len(r["songs"]) for r in inserted_songs]) return inserted_songs, n_inserted_songs